power bi 背景图_Power BI桌面脉冲图
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power bi 背景图

In my last article, , we underscored that Microsoft Power BI desktop has a rich set of customized visualization features. These visualizations can help to produce convert data to information in an efficient manner to an easy to understand format. We can freely download them from

在上一篇文章 ,我们强调Microsoft Power BI桌面具有丰富的自定义可视化功能集。 这些可视化有助于以有效的方式将数据转换为信息,并使其易于理解。 我们可以从免费下载它们

In this part of the series, we will explore below points


  • Pulse Chart in Power BI overview

    Power BI概述中的脉冲图
  • Creating Pulse Chart in Power BI

    在Power BI中创建脉冲图
  • Importing data into Power BI dataset using SQL Server

    使用SQL Server将数据导入Power BI数据集中
  • Customizeing the Pulse Chart in Power BI

    在Power BI中自定义脉冲图
  • Examples of to create and learn Chord diagram


脉搏图 (Pulse Charts)

Normally in the hospital emergency department, we can see that the cardiac monitoring device shows the patient’s heart rate continuously. In those devices, heart rates are being shown in the form of pulse chart. It automatically captures the data, creates a pulse chart and continuously moves forward.

通常在医院急诊室,我们可以看到心脏监测设备连续显示患者的心律。 在这些设备中,心率以脉搏图的形式显示。 它会自动捕获数据,创建一个脉搏图并不断向前移动。

Power BI also provides the option to create a Pulse chart. A pulse chart draws the events based on the time series. It allows customizing the chart as well. We can play, pause, move forward, backward in the chart. We can also observe the playback of the complete chart so that we can observe the trend directly.

Power BI还提供了创建脉冲图的选项。 脉冲图根据时间序列绘制事件。 它也允许自定义图表。 我们可以在图表中播放,暂停,前进,后退。 我们还可以观察完整图表的回放,以便我们可以直接观察趋势。

We can open the link as shown below and download the Pulse chart to import in Microsoft Power BI Desktop.

我们可以打开如下所示的“ ”链接,然后下载脉冲图以导入到Microsoft Power BI Desktop中。

使用Power BI Desktop创建脉冲图 (Creating a Pulse Chart with Power BI Desktop)

示例1:心率数据的脉搏图 (Example 1: Pulse Chart for Heart rate data)

To create the pulse chart, I have the below data into my database that shows the body temperature and heart rate data of a patient with the timelines.


View sample data in SSMS

We need to import the data into the Microsoft Power BI desktop. In my last article, I explained that we could import the data into Power BI Desktop through various methods. We imported the data from CSV in my last example. In this example, we are going to import data from SQL Server Database.

我们需要将数据导入Microsoft Power BI桌面。 在上一篇文章中,我解释了我们可以通过多种方法将数据导入Power BI Desktop。 在上一个示例中,我们从CSV导入了数据。 在此示例中,我们将从SQL Server数据库中导入数据。

Click on Get data and select SQL Server Database.

单击获取数据,然后选择SQL Server数据库。

Select the data source options in PowerBI

Now provide the below details to connect to the database.


  • Server\Instance name

  • Database Name (Optional)

  • Data Connectivity Mode

  • Import: If we directly want to import the data from a single table

  • DirectQuery: we can use this to import data through the query


Click on Ok that asks for additional connection information.

单击确定 ,询问其他连接信息。

Enter server name, query, and credentials in data source connection.

Select the authentication method. If we want to use windows authentication, select ‘Use my current credentials’.

选择身份验证方法。 如果我们要使用Windows身份验证,请选择“使用我的当前凭据”。

Else click on Use alternate credentials and provide a username, password. Click on Connect to make the connection.

否则,单击“ 使用备用凭据”并提供用户名和密码。 单击连接进行连接。

Select windows or SQL authentication in the data source

By default, it tries to connect to the data source with encrypted connections. However, it cannot connect, we can access the data using an unencrypted connection. Click OK to go forward.

默认情况下,它尝试使用加密连接连接到数据源。 但是,它无法连接,我们可以使用未加密的连接访问数据。 单击确定继续。

Encryption error and resolution

Preview data and click on Load if all looks good.

预览数据,如果一切看起来不错,请单击“ 加载”

It creates the connection and loads the data into power BI Desktop.

它创建连接并将数据加载到Power BI Desktop中。

View and monitor the data source connection progress

We can see the data fields once the import is completed.


View data source, field details in PowerBI dataset

Now, the next step is to import the Pulse Chart into Microsoft Power BI Desktop. Click on ‘From MarketPlace’

现在,下一步是将Pulse Chart导入Microsoft Power BI Desktop。 点击“从市场”

Enter ‘Pulse’ in the search box and we can see the Pulse chart with a small description.


Click on Add to import custom visual and once done, we can see below pop up message.


View pop up message once visual import is successful.

As shown below, we can see the Pulse Chart icon into the Visualization section.


View Pulse Chart visualization icon in PowerBI

Double click on the icon and it shows the below screen. Adjust the size of the chart with the sidebars.

双击图标,将显示以下屏幕。 使用侧栏调整图表的大小。

Once we have adjusted the size, it is easy for us to visualize the data into Pulse Chart.

调整大小后,我们很容易将数据可视化到Pulse Chart中。

Now drag the fields from the datasets below.


TimeStamp Values
Obs HeartRate
时间戳记 价值观
Obs 心率

As we can see above, it draws the patient heart rate data over a period.


In the top left corner, we can see the chart controls, if click on play, it shows up the playback of the chart as shown below.


Play back and draw the Pulse chart from end to end.

Similar to this, if we want to draw body temperature into Pulse Chart, simply drag the field to Values section.


If we want to add a title and description in the Pulse Chart, we can drag the columns to the Event Title and Event Description tab.


For example, if in my example, we want to show ‘HeartRate’ in the event title and description. Therefore, we can see the pop-up window on top of a selected item.

例如,如果在我的示例中,我们想在事件标题和说明中显示“ HeartRate”。 因此,我们可以在所选项目的顶部看到弹出窗口。

If we want to highlight the selected line item, we can click on Focus Mode.


In the focus mode, we can see that it zooms the particular line item and shows up the event description and title.


To exit the focus mode, click on Back to Report.


在Power BI Desktop中自定义脉搏图 (Customize the Pulse Chart in Power BI Desktop)

We can customize the Pulse Chart in Power BI Desktop easily. Click on Format icon as shown.

我们可以轻松地在Power BI Desktop中自定义脉搏图。 单击格式图标 ,如图所示。

Format Pop Up window: We can customize the pop- up window size, color, font size, the location from the Popup section.


View and Click on format icon to customize the pulse chart.

Change the pop-up the width, height, color, text size, text color as per requirement.


View the option to format pop up window in Pulse chart

Change the pop-up the width, height, color, text size, text color as per requirement

We can see the customized pop-up window.


Customize Chart title: By default, Pulse chart title is difficult to read.


In order to improve its visiblily, go to the format section and Title. In the Title section, we can change the title, font color, title alignment (left, center, right), Text size, font etc. Default values are as shown below.

为了明显改善它,请转到格式部分和标题。 在“标题”部分,我们可以更改标题,字体颜色,标题对齐方式(左,中,右),文本大小,字体等。默认值如下所示。

View default chart title in Pulse Chart

Change it as per the requirement.


Change the chart title color, text size, text color as per requirement

Change the chart title color, text size, text color as per requirement

Change the chart title color, text size, text color as per requirement

We can the title is now updated with our customized settings.


Customize TimeSeries: By default, we can see the time series in the middle of the chart.


Go to Format section and X-axis. We can select the font color, axis color, background color and position of the time series. If you want to move time series to bottom, select the bottom position.

转到格式部分和X轴。 我们可以选择字体颜色,轴颜色,背景颜色和时间序列的位置。 如果要将时间序列移到底部,请选择底部位置。

示例2:人口和就业数据 (Example 2: Population and employment data)

Let us look at one more example to display the population and employment data. Since we have already covered the steps above, we will directly look at the Pulse chart in this case.

让我们再看一个显示人口和就业数据的示例。 由于我们已经介绍了上述步骤,因此在这种情况下,我们将直接查看Pulse图表。

Below is our sample data. You can download sample data from the .

以下是我们的示例数据。 您可以从下载示例数据。

We can see the below Pulse Chart from the data. In the below example, we see the unemployed percentage as per the year. In the event title, we can see population and event description as ‘labor_force’.

我们可以从数据中看到下面的脉冲图。 在下面的示例中,我们看到了每年的失业率。 在事件标题中,我们可以看到人口和事件描述为“ labor_force”。

结论 (Conclusion)

The pulse Chart in Microsoft Power BI desktop is really good and useful to represent data as a visual data story. You can create and explore this for your dataset with simple configuration options. I hope you have enjoyed this article and feel free to provide feedback or questions in the comments below.

Microsoft Power BI桌面中的脉冲图非常好,非常有用,可以将数据表示为可视数据故事。 您可以使用简单的配置选项为您的数据集创建和浏览此内容。 希望您喜欢本文,并随时在下面的评论中提供反馈或问题。

目录 (Table of contents)

Power BI Desktop Pulse Charts
Power BI桌面脉冲图


power bi 背景图


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